
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Thursday

1.  Get this.  I have started using the What I'm Cooking posts to remind myself exactly what I'm supposed to be cooking throughout the week.  It's genius!  Or sad.

I started a cooking confessional post for last week, titled it Cooking Confessional: What the Heck did I Cook?, sat there trying to remember what I'd cooked, when I'd cooked it, and how it turned out.  After about five minutes I decided that you guys didn't really care, and gave up.

2.  I can't type if my fingernails are too long.  It's true.  And not only can I not type, but if the pads of my fingers can't touch the keys, I can't even think of what to type.

It's kind of a bummer, because I have decent nails (I love that they're shaped like my mom's) that grow quickly enough  that I have to cut them once a week.

It's not that big of a bummer, because I don't really take care of them the way I should (nor do I intend to start), and cutting them is so much easier than making and remembering to keep nail appointments.

3. I love coconut.  I dream of coconut cupcakes.  I love Almond Joy creamer.  I adore macaroons.  I once tried to make some.  Once.  I didn't beat the egg whites enough and ended up with a cookie sheet full of glued-on, charred coconut. 

I should try that again.

4. I have never had a Krispy Kreme donut.

To me, donuts aren't worth the calories.  They have no power over me.  I walk by them every Sunday at church, stick out my tongue, and keep on walking. 

Coconut cupcakes, on the other hand...

5. I went to physical therapy 40 minutes late last Wednesday, but I thought I was only 10 minutes late, which isn't technically late (for me).

I went to physical therapy 72 hours early last Friday, so it's more than a wash.  Now I can pretty much be 40 minutes late to physical therapy for...ever.

6. Yes, I know I'm a dork.  Thank you for asking.

7.  I laugh when people talk about winning the lottery.  God would never let me win the lottery.  I know that God knows that millions would ruin me.  He would never let me win.  He loves me too much.

8. I will be putting on a bathing suit in exactly 45 days.  I wish God cared as much about this as He does the lottery thing.  I could stand a little miracle-action in the bathing suit department.

The Wonder Hub and I are working on our beach bods for each other.  Which is, if you think about it, as it should be.

It's good that I can dream about coconut cupcakes, as there are clearly none in my immediate future.

9. Molly and I were walking our two-mile loop Tuesday.  I was singing to her- something like, "Molly, Molly Crockett.  Queen of the wild frontier!" when I realized there was an iPod-less jogger following close behind.  We saw him again yesterday, on our three-mile loop. 

I think I have the beginnings of a fan club.


  1. You do have Moms fingernails. She said one time that she had Grandpa Waltmans thumbs and that my little noodle had them too. That makes me smile. :o)

  2. Me and the little noodle!!! How cool, Sissy. I didn't know that. :-)

  3. 1) She is "Molly Crockett" and don't you forget it!
    2) Charlie don't care when you show up...just that you do!
    3) I love coconut cupcakes too! Do I predict a road trip to Georgetown Cupcake?!

  4. I love cupcakes, when I find one sitting on my desk from some student's birthday I can never resist! Oh the bathing suit, don't even want to think about. I keep thinking this is the week I get back on the wagon with WAYYYYY better eating. Will you make me a coconut cupcake

  5. I'm craving cupcakes!! Love Love Love your posts...every single crumb..I mean, word! I'm with you on the donut thing. I don't waste my calories on them either. I have no trouble walking by them without taking one. I do however have trouble walking by those cupcakes! They are less calories, right?!

  6. Cupcakes are tangible proof of God's love..truly. I'm in the mood to bake or cook or both today. I have implements and I'm not afraid to use them. I've started cooking a week ahead and freezing or refrigerating things. Any ideas? I'm thinking homemade bread today...or something that requires a double boiler...or springform.

  7. cupcakes are good and all, but i am still waiting for the end of the molly to-be-continued story. :)

  8. a good friend and i used to call coconut 'word' because of a freakishly high maintenance mutual friend who wigged out at the possibility that she was eating coconut, as if the world would explode or something if it touched her lips.

    actually, i'm a big fan of 'word' too ;)
