
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Molly Sue, Part Deux

(Part 1 is here!)

So...the Wonder Hub left for Iraq. 

As much as I hate to admit I am not my sweet girl's first love, there is no denying that the Wonder Hub is her Alpha Dog.  She was confused when he left.  She was distraught when he didn't return.  She started digging holes in the backyard, like maybe he had gone to China and any hope of reunion rested solely on her ability to Get.To.Him

  Miss Diggy Dog, Circa Dec. 2006

And off to China she went.  Nothing could deter Diggy from her goal.  Soon, the small backyard of our rented Las Vegas home resembled the abandoned field where I practiced softball as a child, and soon after that, the Marianas Trench.  Nothing could be done to console my girl.  Nothing could sway her.  Nothing could alter her single-minded determination.

After losing all hope of seeing our rental deposit, I shared my dilemma with Norah the dog trainer.  She told me to get Molly's Alpha Dog to send one of his funky t-shirts back from Iraq. She promised that Diggy wouldn't if she could sleep with the scent of her pack leader. 

By that point I was willing to try anything.  I had just signed a lease in Alabama (on a house with a really big backyard), swearing that my dog was the best-behaved hound on earth. I had little choice but to follow Norah's advice.  Had she told me to sleep with Molly in the Trench under the light of a full moon while wearing my wedding dress, I promise you, I would have done it.

To be continued...


  1. I don't find you and the "To be continued" funny lady.

  2. How funny! I love a good cliff hanger, but don't keep up waiting too long!

    This is the sort of thing that keeps me from caving and letting my husband get a dog. It always occurs to him as he is just about to leave!
