
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Random Thursday

1. I hardly ever know what day of the week it is.

I like it that way.  Who needs to be tied down to named days?  Who needs that pressure?

2. I do know Sundays, because it's the only day I bother with full-on make-up.

I kind of don't recognize myself with full-on make-up.  I feel like I'm playing dress-up, or like I'm faking it.

Faking it is perhaps not the best way to feel when you're going to church.

At some point every Sunday I go into the ladies' room, where I realize that I've got on the wrong color foundation and look like a mime, or that I've only put eyeliner on one eye.  As I do this every single Sunday, it might be time to concede that I'm just not meant to be girly.

3. I have a very girly friend.  I love her dearly.  She takes me shopping and tries her best to make me respectable.  She once took me into a Vera Bradley store, where I seriously thought I was going to have an epileptic seizure. 

4. I have been attending twice-weekly wrestling matches, and I'm sad to report that my old, high-school era bleachers phobia lives on.  Walking up and down bleachers and feeling like everyone is looking at my hiney and waiting for me to trip is horrible.  I dread it so much that I truck right on up to the highest row, sit against the wall, and refuse to move until the meet is over and everyone else is leaving, too. 

I really need to remember to go to these things dehydrated.

5. I love Ree Drummond, but my husband's butt would kick her husband's butt any day.  Bring it, Ree.

6. I saw the president of my fan club this morning, on the two-mile loop.  He was headed towards us, and I was singing, "If I had a million Mollys..."  He slowed down as he passed us, and he was smiling.

I love sharing my gifts with the world.

7. Bubba and I have been working on a rendition of "Hallelujah."  He taught himself (with the help of everyone's favorite tutor, Youtube) to play it on the guitar.  The addition of our voices is....priceless.

I'm all about "Make a joyful noise." 

If I can figure out how, he said he would be willing to put a sound clip here for your listening pleasure.

8. The Wonder Hub is on leave this week, and was able to go to a wrestling match with me.  We walked in, alllll the way across the gym, and up to my spot against the wall.  We had to leave early to make it to the next kid's thing, so I steeled myself and followed the WH down the bleachers after the 114lb. match.  As we were walking across the parking lot, my beloved laughed and said, "You still have that Chiquita Banana sticker on your butt!"



  1. Oh the Chiquita banana lady strikes again! I just realized your date stamp above your title says Wednesday. I was right on board with you when you said it was a Random Thursday.

  2. i love that the title of your blog is Karen Writes About Me.

    he he.

  3. or maybe just we graphic artists think that.

  4. WAIT! That's not the title of my blog! About Me is the tab that tells about me! Oh, sheesh.

  5. but you see how it LOOKS like that, right?

    i always read that in my head when i read a post. it's the plight of the designer head.

  6. it's also random. which was my whole reason for mentioning it!!!


  7. You kill me. Most of the time I love the way your brain works. Most of the time.


    Chrissy--so glad I'm not alone with the days-of-the-week thing!
