
Friday, March 18, 2011


I'm afraid there is no easy way to say it.  I spent 50 (eye-poking) minutes on the elliptical trying to dress it up, this thing I need to tell you. 

I spent the day running around Northern Virginia with girlfriends, arriving home in the late afternoon.  I was starving, which was funny, because I had eaten a huge Greek salad at my favorite restaurant for lunch, along with some bruschetta, and then a big latte from an overpriced coffee empire.  I joined the teens mid snack-fest and helped myself to a leftover enchilada.  I sat around and chatted with the boys, the sun shining gloriously through the open windows and lulling me into thinking there were many hours of daylight remaining.  When the WH walked in, we were relaxed and reclining, having nothing but some dirty dishes and a couple of Trader Joe's bags to show for our day.  All was well with the world.  It was the most gorgeous day of the year to date, so when the boys went out to the trampoline, I decided to take Molly on the two-mile loop (Molly Sue, Molly Sue...what are they feeding you?), which turned into the 2.5-mile loop, which would have been fine,

Except that the love of my life had run a 10k over lunch.

The Wonder Hub is much like a cranky toddler when he's hungry.  And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Well, except that he's bigger than a cranky toddler.  And crankier.

I had been thinking about dinner all day.  I was intimidated by the prep required.  I wasn't sure of the cooking sequence.  I was confused about the use of bulgogi in a vegetarian dish. On our walkabout, I had purchased some ingredients for the adventure, including portabella mushrooms, baby bok choy, fresh baby spinach, and yellow squash, but when the Cranky One growled, "When's dinner?" I choked.  After frantically looking the recipe through again, I decided to flip the Bibimbap night for the Green Curry (which I can make in my sleep) night.  I started prepping, but about three minutes in the WH (crankily) declared, "We're going out to eat."

I'm weak.  It's true.  I caved.

Knowing him as I do (and realizing that we were all dressed in some version of exercise gear), my gut told me where we were headed.  I knew.  I didn't breath a word against it.  Truthfully, my heart was welling up inside of me, filled with hope.

As he pulled into the parking lot, my mind began composing this post.  It's true.  I started listing my excuses before I'd even committed the crime.  In the end (when my belly was full and my soul was satisfied), I decided to lay out for you the plain truth:

I am a weak, weak woman.

So there.  Here it is, in black and white:  I have failed Veg Week.

 And, yes.  It was


  1. i KNEW this is where you were going :) yay wonder hub! i like it when he puts the foot down.

  2. I knew that you would know! I love that. :-)

  3. I'm laughing right out loud and my boys are asking me what's so funny.

    It's just that I. so. RELATE!

    Love you.
