
Sunday, January 23, 2011

What I'm cooking this week

I've just returned from the commissary, I'm high on an Overpriced Espresso Drink, and I'm procrastinating putting the groceries away.

It's the perfect time to write a blog post.

So.  Here's the menu for the week (in no particular order):

Judie's Lasagna--with a layer of fresh spinach that I'm hoping nobody will notice.
Breakfast--to include some kind of potato/pepper/onion/egg/ham scramble, blueberry scones and cinnamon rolls, to fill the bottomless bellies at my table.
Homemade pizza--using the best pizza dough ever and whatever ingredients strike my fancy on Pizza Night.
Red Beans and Rice--a two-day, totally worth it process.
Mel's Famous Chili--Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Nobody makes chili like my daddy.
Chicken Tacos--it has come to my attention that no matter what new and fancy creation I slave over, Taco Night is still everyone's favorite.  These will be made with chicken, homemade seasoning that beats the tar out of that packet stuff, refried beans and allllll the fixin's.

Additionally, I will bake these coconut cookies I threw together yesterday,  Mom's banana bread (with its mandatory chocolate chips), and probably some chocolate chip cookies for sack lunches.


  1. mmmm sounds great. I already bookmarked two of these for use at a later time!

  2. Wow I get tired just reading it. And I was feeling totally proud of our zuppa soup, thai vinegar chicken and cooking light baked apples. You are my cooking here! We still do cereal for breakfast:(

  3. Cher--you can't even compare your week to mine. You're a grown-up!

    Um...thai vinegar chicken????


    Use the two tbs of fish sauce:)

  5. you should do this every monday so i don't have to think about what to cook. too bad my peeps are way pickier than yours...argh. i blame it on the husband who won't touch a condiment with a ten-foot pole INCLUDING salsa. who doesn't eat salsa?

  6. Cher, I actually own fish sauce, but I can't remember why. :-)

    Carey, your people would die of starvation at my house, because I WOULD NOT CATER to their wimpy pallets.

    Judie is my dear friend. We were stairwell neighbors in Germany. We lived across the hall and used to leave our doors wide open because the kids were back and forth so much. We would eat together often (I learned so much about cooking from her), and my lasagna recipe is hers. Elijah still talks about "Ms. Judie's salad" and thinks that hers is the only house on earth that has Dorothy Lynch salad dressing.

  7. i thought that the question would get you to post the recipe...however, judie sounds lovely :)

  8. I would like to post the recipe, but I have to ask Judie first. :-)

  9. It is a wonderful Lasagna recipe! I don't mean to rub it in Bobbie, but yummy!!!
