
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Molly Sue: Crotch Dog Extraordinaire

Molly and I just returned from a little walk that took us to Starbucks.  She's still miffed that I didn't get her anything.

I'm surprised she's holding a grudge.  Other than not getting a latte, or a cup full of whipped cream, she did:
a) get to walk with my long-lost friend Teri.
b) train Teri to always let her walk on the left.
c) demonstrate to Teri that she prefers to walk on the sidewalk, even if this means a human is forced onto the grass (not the WH's favorite of Molly's traits).
d) visit with Ursula and her buddy, Bindy, from down the street.
e) stick her nose in the crotch of the two complete strangers who bent down to pet her (not my favorite of Molly's traits).

Molly developed the habit of sticking her nose in people's crotches when the Wonder Hub was in Iraq and I trained her to walk with a Gentle Leader.   My feeling was that if I was going to have a dog, she was going to be a well behaved dog.  And she is.  She really is.  Unfortunately, there are exceptions to every rule, and the crotch-thing is Molly's.  Initially she did it to try and rub off the harness of the Gentle Leader.  Now she does it because of the reaction she receives.  Try to ignore a dog with her nose in your crotch.  I dare you.

I used to get all embarrassed.  I used to explain, in great detail, about the Gentle Leader and the attention-factor while turning red and tripping all over myself to apologize.  I hit a turning point during baseball practice in Alabama when Molly stuck her nose in the crotch of the pre-teen brother of one of the Monkey's friends.  He was outraged and declared, "YOUR DOG JUST MOLESTED ME!"

I did what any sane dog owner would do.  I looked at him blankly and swore I had no idea what he was talking about.  He shook, he sputtered, he walked away.

Now when Molly is doing her thing, I just turn my head and look the other direction.  It works for us.

When we got home from our walk, I asked my girl to do a little photo shoot for me.  It went like this:

Who, me?

Why should I do a photo shoot for you?  You didn't get me a latte.

I'm really very shy, you know.

Okay, already.  Can we be done now?

Forget this.  I'm outta here.


  1. Wait! What was the second half of your story from when the WH was in Iraq? I've been waiting with baited breath!

  2. I want to hear that rest of that story, also!

  3. I think Molly and Shiloh would be good sniffer friends...unfortunately.

  4. we are taking crosby to her first doggy class tonite. i will let me know if we learn anything about crotch sniffing. for the record, i think molly has you guys extremely well-trained :)

  5. Okay, I am up way too late tonight, but totally laughing out loud in a quiet house! The odd part about her crouch attraction was that she was not sniffing, as many dogs tend to do, nope, she was just holding her head in the afore mentioned position as if it was perfectly normal dog behavior... Love her, and you...
