
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Thursday: Pastor and Fran Week

photo credit: my favorite cousin
 1. Molly Sue and I took boys (and girl) to their various social engagements Friday evening.  She sat proudly in the Suburban's front seat, bun warmers on and ears held high.  As we dropped off the last boy (and pretty girl), Molly turned to me forlornly.  I shrugged and told her, "They're teenagers, Mol.  They leave us.  It's what they do." To tell you the truth, I was feeling a little forlorn myself.

Molly has been feeling forlorn all week.  She got no blog post and hasn't had a single long walk.  I don't think I've serenaded her once.  Pastor pets her though, and I saw her (out of the corner of my eye) do her thing to one of the Monkey's friends yesterday, so her life isn't all that bad.

2. Is it a sign of desperation if a person gives serious consideration to getting on the scale before putting in her contact lenses, for fear of the extra weight they will add?

3. The March birthday gifts have moved from the kitchen counter to the antique desk.

My goddaughter's gift is one of them.

Last week, the Wonder Hub offered to deliver it in person this week.  I thanked him and said no, I needed to get it in the mail right away.

He had dinner with her last night in Colorado.

4. I had the following texting exchange with Charlotte's son's phone, thinking I had sent the original message to Charlotte:

me: Hey! Thanks! Lost track of phone while holding neighbor's new baby. Ug, my hormones are freaking out!
Charlotte's son's phone: hi mom. why are you telling that to ___? hahahahahaha
me: Hi Monkey. Oops!
CSP: hahahahahaha what about your hormones?  wierddddddddd!
me: You're grounded.

5. The Wonder Hub took Pastor, Fran and me on a tour of the Pentagon.  When we were in the somber room set aside to recognize Medal of Honor recipients, I looked down and realized I had walked the labyrinth corridors of the world's largest office building with toilet paper hanging off my shoe.

I couldn't get it off.

I scraped and scraped my shoe against the lush and perfectly-kept, deep blue carpet in the Medal of Honor room, silently apologizing to the recipients.

When it finally came off, we all stood there looking at it.  It was dirty, from the floors of the Pentagon and from who knows what else.  I never wanted to leave something more in all my life.  I seriously considered it, until the WH ahem-ed.

He's such a grown-up in that uniform.

For the record: I like walking behind him while he's in that uniform.

6. That grown-up was pulled over by an officer of the law as we attempted to leave the vast parking lot of the Pentagon.  He handed over his license and in his best grown-up voice explained to the officer that no, he doesn't drive this way every day, and yes, he would be sure to avoid the buses-only turn lane in the future.  He got off Scot-free and I commented that it was a good thing he was driving, since my (SD) license is expired.

7. Pastor, Fran and I went to DC Tuesday in the rain.  We opted to tour the monuments from the safety of the car.  I was a little bit of a maniac, what with the rain and all those dang tourists and the fact that no matter how I did it, I kept ending up on the street in front of the WWII memorial instead of the one by Lincoln. When I inadvertently ran a red light over by the Tidal Basin (while glorying in the cherry blossoms, for Pete's sake) Fran wondered aloud how I might drive with a valid license.

I comforted her by promising that I would drive no differently.

8. I made the pizza for Pastor and Fran.  In a moment of divine inspiration, I made three instead of our usual two.  They loved it.  We all pigged out until we could pig out no more.  I saw Moose and Fran eyeballing the last piece, but she clearly hasn't been around long enough to know the rules.  Moose grabbed that piece, right from under her nose, shoved in his mouth and declared, "Now I've had a whole pizza!"


  1. ha! i knew i would find you over here. sounds like a busy week of hostessing with the mostessing. talk to you after you recover.

  2. How funny! I need to find out where the sign up list for having Pastor and Fran come visit you is located so I can get them to come here!

    Karen, just a week ago I finally got my AZ drivers license because my Idaho one (from before Germany) was expired. Granted, I had gotten an extension on it to make it to Arizona but please don't ask me how many YEARS I've been in Arizona with out a proper license. I finally broke down and got it because I had two 'random' security forces checks coming through the gate with in 4 days and I figured if the second time was bad enough to have me leaving the base in tears to have someone come rescue me I didn't want to see what the 3rd stop had in store. I got my license in 10 minutes (record time!) because they were able to find my Idaho license on file. Go get it, it may not be as terrible as you've expected.

  3. did you leave the TP goo or did you pick it up?

    i hope you are out walking Molly right now :)

  4. Yes, let me know when you start the list for Pastor and Fran visitations! I would like to add my address to it. Loving your blog Karen!

  5. I picked it up and then washed my hands forty-three times.

    Fran says feed them and they will come!

    I seriously thought about hiding their keys...

  6. So, Chrissy, it's only been since November. By your calculations I have YEARS before I have to renew. :-)
