
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The yahoos before the deep

I know I said I would write something deep today, but who can get deep with three yahoos (pronounced yay-hoo, please) home on an Inclement Weather Day?  I kept thinking that I would feed them, get them set up with studying (mid-term exams if and when they ever go back to school), and hole up to write.

Then I met some girlfriends for coffee...and bought some groceries...and borrowed some supplies for the Dread Science Project...and by the time I got home I had to feed them again.

And then they were funny and engaging and generally entertaining (mostly because they didn't want to study), and who stands a chance against that?

And then someone suggested we go to the gym, you know, because exercise helps with focus and concentration, and c'mon, we'll just go for a little bit!  And then we stayed for a long bit, and then it actually, finally started snowing and we decided to give someone a ride home...and got rear-ended by a teenager...and did cookies in a church parking lot after we determined that there was no damage to Big Bertha.

And when we got home I had to feed them again.

And then the Wonder Hub came home early from the Biggest Office Building in the World, and we chatted while I shared my Nutella dipped Wheat Thins, and the kids decided to study so that they can watch tv later,

And here I am.

And I am not deep.


  1. Hi Karen! I found you through Denise's blog. It is Kim from Vegas. Remember me? So fun to read your blog....
    Have a blessed day.

  2. Okay, It is me again... I was signed in under my son's id.

  3. Hi, Kim! Of course I remember you! How awesome to find old friends this way! I will check out your blog.
