
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The shallow before the deep

I've just returned from my women's Bible study, where we are three weeks deep (emphasis on deep) into a ten-week study of the Patriarchs.

I used to think there wasn't much to be learned from the Old Testament.

I want to share something that came to light for me today, but I really need to mull it over for a bit first.  I'll plan on sharing it tomorrow.  For now, though, I'd like to pass on a little of the Randomness that fills my brain.

Random, in five points or less.

1. Someone used all of the Starbucks coffee grounds set aside for TUESDAY MORNING WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY, so we had to make, gulp, Maxwell House.  It is a strong testament to my addiction that I drank it.  I shudder.

2. I had a fair amount of leftover chili from Sunday, and an unfair amount of time last night, so I made two boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese, dumped it in the chili, and called it dinner.

3.  Then I roasted vegetables, out of guilt.  They took so long to roast that we were headed out the door and nobody ate any.

4. Leftover roasted vegetables are disgusting.  I predict that I will either a) choke them down myself, or b) throw them out.

5. It will most likely be a), because food has to be really, really bad for me to waste it.


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