
Monday, January 17, 2011


I guess there should only be so many Random days in a week.

I guess blog posts should have topics.

I guess that, like a thesis, blog posts should move from thesis statement to point A to point B to some kind of closure.

For the record: blogging topics pop into my head all the live-long day.  It's a disease, I tell you.

Yesterday, I wanted to blog about my insane, desperate, and seemingly futile need for proper grammar.  Had I not been on my couch in a near-comatose state after driving eight hours to celebrate the military retirement of a very dear friend, celebrating that retirement for 36 wonderful, non-stop, delirious hours and then driving eight hours back home, I would have explained for you my theories about the decline of the English language.  Trust me, it would have been a stunner.

Today, for example, I thought about confessing to you all the follies and foibles involved in the creating of one simple pot of beef stew.  If I hadn't been up to my elbows in stew meat and onions, garlic and carrots, potatoes and beer, I would have lamented that I put things together in my typical backwards style, which then resulted in fishing carrots and potatoes out of the pot with a slotted spoon so that the browned meat could simmer on its own for a few hours...and then fishing browned meat out of the pot with a slotted spoon so that it could be cut into smaller pieces...and then giving up and dumping the whole mess in together and counting on the fact that my people will be so hungry that it (the stew) will be gone 3.5 minutes after hitting their bowls.

As it stands, though, it's just been the kind of weekend that wipes a girl out, leaving nothing for you to pick through but her random thoughts.

Tomorrow, I promise to have a topic.  I promise to have a thesis.  I promise to move directly from point A to point B to some kind of closure.

I hope.

1 comment:

  1. the other night i actually had a dream in which i had to write a proposal for work, and the directive was to write it in 'deuteronomy AB style,' and i had no clue what that meant. i probably could have guessed if it had been AP style, but where deuteronomy comes into play, i'm not sure ;)
