
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random Tuesday...

with no guns,

and only one nose.

That there, behind the nose, is last week's Worst Dinner.  I decided just now that it should have a title, with capital letters.  Unfortunately for the people who live here, I will likely have additions to that newly-coined category.

This particular dinner was going to get a whole post, but I just now decided that it's not worthy.  It was that bad.

My heart is heavy with all the suffering going on in this world.  Everywhere I turn there are hurting people.  Everywhere I look there is pain, and really, to be perfectly honest, there is so much of it that I feel a sense of hopelessness.  How can we fix what has been so violently broken?  How can we possibly bind all the gaping (physical/spiritual/emotional) wounds?  My head is shaking as I write.

We can't.

And then, a whisper in my soul says this:

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

I turn it over and over in my mind.  What, exactly, does this mean?  I think it means that for those who put their trust in Jesus, there will come a day when He will set all things right.  All things.Right.

I don't know how, but I do know this:  He has done what He said He would do.  He said He would die.  He said He would rise again on the third day.  I believe He is trustworthy, and I am thankful that though the world seems filled to the very brim with hurt, one day He will come again and make all.things.right.

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