
Friday, December 17, 2010

Any old thing

One of the beauteous parts of blogging is that you get to write about any old thing that enters your mind.  It's brilliant for people with scattery brains, not unlike my own, that are always flying from here to there and rarely alighting on a single thought long enough to complete it.

It (blogging) legitimizes the Bunny Trail Thinkers among us, whereas most of the other things in life simply do not.

For example:

When you wait four days for the fireplace repairwoman to come at 2pm on Thursday, and then talk to her at 2:05, telling her that a late arrival is no problem because you have no plans to go anywhere in the snow, and then forget all about it by 4:40, when you leave the house for just a quick dash to the store for more good chocolate to finish your Christmas toffee, without your cell phone, and miss her calls at 4:44, 4:46, and 4:48.

When Canvas on Demand responds to your email request to send two identical (Christmas gift) canvases to two different addresses by telling you that you need to call the company to confirm those addresses, and then you think about calling them sixty different times during the course of six days, but never do (because you always think about it during the closing prayer at church, or while driving the car, or in the middle of spin class) until you suddenly get an email that says they have shipped, both to the same address.

These.  These  neither encourage nor affirm a brain like mine.

However.  Sitting down and telling you all about it is good for my soul.  For that, I am thankful.


  1. This is why blogging is my therapy. My latest session has been posted.

    I started blogging 5 years ago this Christmas and my writing comes and goes but for the most part I am very thankful for the blog and for bloggirls.


  2. LOve you my twin sister from another mother!
